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Shellshocekrs Update: What a catch!

  What a Catch Update!  Shell Shockers invite codes have been revamped to 3 four-letter words. Inviting a friend, enemy or frenemy with an invite code will now look like this: Love-Eggs-Lots Isn't a game invite the ultimate Valentine?  This update, we brought back the much-requested Valentines skins, and added a few extra ones for good [...]

By |2025-02-06T13:13:26-08:00February 4th, 2025|Blog, Games, Shell Shockers|0 Comments

Shell Shockers: We’re So Back!

🥚 It's the We’re So Back update! 🎮 ⚖️ This update is all about balance, so let’s start by talking about weapons. We’ve made some minor tweaks to the crackshot, scrambler and tri-hard to bring them a little more into their niches, and pull them out of others (lookin’ at you, close-range crackshot!). Enjoy the [...]

By |2025-02-03T15:54:53-08:00January 15th, 2025|Blog, Games, Shell Shockers|0 Comments

Shell Shockers Update: 2025 Shellebration!

🎉 It's the Quarter Century Shellebration! 🎊 2024 saw some awesome additions to the game we know and love: - Daily Challenges - Private game configurables - Chicken Winner revamp - In-game chat commands - Moveable stamps - Killstreak bonus expansion - and so much more! It’s time to collect your favorite 2025 guns to [...]

By |2025-02-03T15:46:47-08:00December 17th, 2024|Blog, Games, Shell Shockers|0 Comments

Shell Shockers Update: The Nutcracker Update!

☃️ It's the Nutcracker Update! 🎄 The end of the year is fast approaching and there are only a couple New Yolkers left before the new year! Snow has begun to fall and settle over Eggtopia, and it’s beginning to look a lot like Eggsmas. This edition, we wanted to show off all of our [...]

By |2025-02-03T15:32:06-08:00December 3rd, 2024|Blog, Games, Shell Shockers|0 Comments

Shellshockers Update: The Turkey Takedown!

🍂 It's the Turkey Takedown Update! 🍗 Good things come to those who wait, and you all have waited long enough! This time of year is when eggs all over America give thanks for the important things in their life, and we like the idea of showing gratitude wherever you are, so we are giving our thanks [...]

By |2024-11-27T11:13:12-08:00November 14th, 2024|